I Love Malaysia. 〜マレーシアの若者との交流日記〜

文化情報専攻 11期生 中村 英恵



 高校生の時、海外で英語を学びたくて、留学の試験・面接をたくさん受けました。しかし不合格が続きました。筆記試験は合格しても、面接でいつも不合格でした。それでも夢はあきらめきれなくて、英会話学校へ通っていました。落ち続けても、受験を繰り返す私を見ていた英語の先生が、あまり面識もなかったのですが、「そんなに行きたいなら、推薦状を書いてあげる。」と言ってくれました。そして、17歳の夏、初めてオーストラリアへ留学できました。続いて、以前、落ちた試験をもう一度受けて合格し、18歳の春アメリカへ。そして21カ国目の外国がマレーシアでした。  不思議なことに、マレーシアは自分で唯一希望して行った国ではありません。本当はエストニアを希望していました。しかし、所属している文化交流団体の会長に「あなたはマレーシアがいいと思うよ。ぜひ来てくださいと言ってくれている所に行った方がいいよ。」とすすめられ、行くことにしました。



“Malaysian Diary: I Love Young people in Malaysia.”

Hanae Nakamura
Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Nihon University

 Last year I taught Japanese at the Multimedia University in Cyberjaya, Malaysia, and I still keep in touch with my students. I really want to help them achieve their dream “to go to Japan to study.”

 I have always been helped abroad by teachers, host families and local friends. I was able to make my dream come true with their help, so now I would like to pay back for what was offered to me. I can help my students now.

 When I was 16 years old, I wanted to go overseas. But I failed exams many times. I could pass paper exams but always failed interviews. I really wanted to go abroad, so I started to go to English conversation school. One day, a teacher said to me, “I know that you have applied for study abroad program but never made it. I would like to help you because you never give up. I can write a letter of recommendation for your next application.” And finally I could pass the exam. My first foreign country was Australia, when I was 17 years old. After coming back from Australia, I applied for another program that I had failed the previous year, and I could pass this time. The second country I went to study in was the U.S.A, when I was 18 years old. And my 21st foreign country was Malaysia.

 Malaysia was the only one of these countries which I did not particularly wish to go to because there is not much information about the country in Japan, and I was not interested. But the head of my association said, “Ms. Nakamura, you said you want to go to Estonia but you should go to Malaysia. Malaysia wants you to come and teach Japanese. Go to Malaysia.”

 Now I really want to say thank you to him and to Malaysia. I was very happy there. I did not imagine that there would be so many creative students there. The food was a bit spicy, and the weather was hot, but I enjoyed staying there every day. I respect Malaysian students because they can speak English, Chinese, and other languages in addition to Malay.

 I am not their teacher any more, but we still keep in touch. I live in Singapore now, but I visited Malaysia last weekend. In Japan, we celebrate the 20th birthday. In Malaysia, they celebrate the 21st, as a special birthday. One of my students invited me to his birthday party, which was such a big party: family, relatives, and friends all came to have dinner and to sing happy birthday together. It was like a super star’s birthday party. The cake was twice as big as those we have in Japan. I like Malaysian culture: there is a very strong relationship in the family. I like Malaysian people very much. I was very happy to be with them. I am looking forward to my next visit.

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